211 Resource Hotline

The 211 health & human services resource hotline provides non-emergency information and assistance to residents of Lebanon County.

  • Call 211 anytime to receive free, 24/7, non-emergency health and human service information in Lebanon County from a live call specialist.
  • Text your zipcode to 898211 to get help. 
  • Search the 211 database online to find local resources to help with your situation. 
  • Chat live with a 211 specialist!

About 211:

  • ONE number to call— removes the need to “call around” for services.
  • Call centers are staffed by highly-trained call specialists who assess caller’s full needs; translation services available.
  • Helps reserve the 911 system for emergencies, saving this vital community resource for life-and-death situations*
  • Functions as a community-wide planning tool to anticipate the demand for services and mobilize resources to meet changing needs.
  • Human services staff have direct access to knowledge, which will assist them in effective case management work.

Click here for the 2023 Lebanon County 211 report